Medispa Solutions is a Sole Supplier of Biotec Italia in Australia

MedSkin Scanner Machine​


The patented software takes traditional skin analysis tools/ techniques. Machinery adds the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to provide you and your clients with the best images and analysis of the skin in the business. With advanced features such as:

  • 13 diagnostic image reports
  • All-in-one client profiles
  • Side-by-side comparisons
  • Advanced statistics
  • Symptom analysis & visualization
  • 5-7 year skin prediction
  • Insightful reporting
  • Product recommendations
  • FULL HD images –
  • Present Symptoms Clearly
  • NO moving parts
  • More Durable
  • Woods Lamp
  • Compact and Space Saving

Multiple light source imaging technology can quantitatively, qualitatively, and precisely analyze multiple skin problems such as skin pigments, deep spots, sensitivity, wrinkles, pores, acne, black and white heads, superficial vascular, fluorescent, etc. With a multi-point positioning system and live image overlay, it is extremely simple to repeatedly capture the same view, allowing you to clearly document your patients’ progress over time.

Benefits for clients and Your Business:

The Skin Scanner allows for the client to be able to see the treatment progress. Creating an organic growth in treatment bookings and product sales. This piece of equipment also helps in sugesting a more precise treatment that will target the exact skin problem.

What does the MedSkin Scanner do?


1. Wrinkles: The current distribution of facial wrinkles can be observed.

2. Glycation can be observed here

3. Depth of wrinkles can be observed here

Patient Ex: Wrinkles – Daylight Photo

What does the MedSkin Scanner do?

With the Skin Scanner system, Skin conditions can be identified through the unique colors and patterns that transform fluorescent when exposed to UV light.

The 13 images output by MedSkin Scanner can help to detect different skin problems, such as sensitive skin, enlarged pores, uneven skin tone, pigmentation, wrinkles, skin texture, inflammation, etc.

What are the SIX found skin problems?

  • Sensitivity
  • Pigment
  • Wrinkles
  • Deep Spots
  • Acne
  • Pores


  • Four Light sources
  • BIG Data comparison – Precise analysis
  • 35 Million Pixels
  • Self Developed new Algorithm
  • 10 spectrums

Request More Info

Learn more how you can have this technology in your clinic or salon.
Request a free demo or get in touch with us if you’re interested to enquire or purchase this device.